In the vast majority of cases, hair loss is the result of genetic programming, which means that people suffering from baldness have always been predestined to hair loss. This hair loss, referred to as Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness), can occur at different ages, from the age of 18 in the earliest forms. Once initiated, hair loss is inevitable and its evolutionary pattern is unfortunately unpredictable, however, searching for miniaturized hair (using capilloscopy during the consultation) allows us to determine which areas are likely to experience hair loss in the future.

Schematically, there are two types of alopecia :

Non-scarring alopecia :

  • Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness)
  • Trichotillomania
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Alopecia areata

In these cases, hair transplant is an excellent treatment option !

Scarring alopecia :

  • Traction alopecia: Hair straightening, African braids, perms, overly tight ponytail…
  • Radiation therapy
  • Systemic diseases (lupus..)
  • Burns, accidents, fungus, lichen planus…

In these cases, hair transplant is not a treatment option.

Seek medical advice from a hair transplant expert and get your free diagnosis / quote

Hair loss in men

  • Androgenetic alopecia is the major cause of hair loss in humans. 30% of men lose their hair at 30, 50% at 50, 60% at 60 and so on…
  • Androgenetic alopecia is assessed according to the Norwood scale, which determines the stage of your baldness. Hair loss usually starts by stripping the temporal gulfs and the frontal hairline. Then, it affects the vertex area (top of the skull). Most of the time, it widens until only a simple «crown» of hair remains in the end.
  • Men usually start to worry when they realize that their hair is getting thinner and losing volume. During a consultation with a doctor specialized in hair restoration, it is possible to confirm hair miniaturization in certain areas and thus establish a treatment plan accordingly.

Hair in women

  • It is estimated that more than 50% of women are affected by visible hair loss during their lifetime. Since the most common hair loss is caused by androgens, it is also called androgenetic alopecia in women.
  • All women can be affected by hair loss. However, there is clearly an increased risk in women over the age of 40, women who recently gave birth, women with hairstyles that pull on their hair (ponytails, braids, etc.) and women who use harsh chemicals on their hair (dyes, cosmetics, etc.).
  • Androgenetic alopecia is often characterized by hair miniaturization along the top of the head (central line). This hair loss tends to worsen with lower oestrogen levels during menopause.

Seek medical advice from a hair transplant expert and get your free diagnosis / quote

Norwood scale

The Norwood scale includes 7 stages of hair loss progression :

  • Stage 1: No noticeable hair loss or frontal hairline recession.
  • Stage 2: Slightly receding hairline in the temples area.
  • Stage 3: Appearance of the first noticeable signs of baldness. Significant recession of the temples hairline. These areas are completely bald or sparse. This stage may otherwise affect the vertex area with a significant hair loss.
  • Stage 4: Hairline recession is more pronounced than at stage 2 and the vertex is sparse or even bald. The two areas of hair loss are separated by a strip of hair connecting the remaining hair on the sides of the head.
  • Stage 5: Both areas of hair loss are more pronounced than in stage 4. They remain separate, but the band of hair connecting the sides of the head becomes thinner.
  • Stage 6: The balding temples and vertex areas become one and the hairband at the top is sparse or has disappeared.
  • Stage 7: Only one strip of hair persists on each side of the head.